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Monday, April 16, 2012

The Cupcake Social - May 4th @Blackbryd

My beautiful, selfless friend, and fellow food blogger Michele from Squirrels-n-Sweets is participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day AKA she's walking 60 miles in 3 days (crazy!!) to raise money for breast cancer research. Come support her event! Read below what sparked the creation of The Cupcake Social. This girl has a heart of gold.

If you are a bakery or blogger that would like donate cupcakes, hit us up! The more the merrier!

The event will be held Friday, May 4th at Blackbyrd (U Street Corridor, DC) from 5:30pm to 8pm!

All you have to do is show up, make a donation in the amount of your choice ($10 recommended) and select a free cupcake.  Thanks to so many generous local bakeries for donating their goodies! Wait! There's more! You will also be entered into a raffle for giveaway prizes. Cupcakeries include:

Alexandria Cupcakes (Alexandria)
Bake Shop (Arlington)
Baked & Wired (Georgetown)
Mom's Office (Fairfax)
Occasionally Cake (Alexandria)
... and more to come!

(Written by Michele) So what sparked The Cupcake Social?

Last year, I received some shocking news: my co-worker had breast cancer. No one directly associated to me has ever been diagnosed. The closest I've come was my ex supervisor's mother who had passed away year's prior. It's one of the most widely known forms of cancer yet it didn't touch my world. Until Susan.

I wasn't ready to hear something so scary, so personal., so close. We work in the same office. She's the mother of two little girls- I bought scout cookies from them. She constantly has a smile on her face and a light hearted comment to add. I have been fortunate to work with several accomplished women in a male-dominated business and she is one of whom I take notes from.

She didn't let us see her fall though. She kept right on going, even after two surgeries. One day, I was irritated in the office and she asked me what was up. I had my tiny rant. And then I realized who I was venting to- a person going through so much is the one listening to my punk @$$ complain. Unbelievable.

Some people complain about the attention breast cancer gets... and then I heard Susan say she was not doing this for herself.

She was doing it for her daughters' futures.

It hadn't occurred to me that they may be in the same jeopardy as their mother one day. There's something very powerful about the love women possess. Maybe that's why this cause gets such passionate support.

1 comment:

  1. you're making misty and i just read this aloud to mike whose blind without his glasses.

    thank you so much for your support Marie. It means the world. I couldn't have asked for a better friend, blogger, and bgirl all wrapped into one amazing person <3 Best keep your game up Dave or i'll try to steal her from you haha j/k

    Kish kish!!
